Is there anything better in life than to stretch ourselves to the limit - to challenge ourselves, to always strive to learn new things, to perfect our skills, to live as fully as we can, until we live no more? This thought reminds me of Nietzsche’s works that I wrote on the walls of my room long ago when I was just a teen. I am a mother of three children(all young adults now)and I am still motivated by that idea.

I was born in Taiwan and raised by two hard working parents. Growing up with my four younger siblings, I witnessed firsthand how my parents worked hard, invested in their future, and built their lives from the ground up. They took care of us and supported us wholeheartedly, teaching us valuable lessons about everyday life. If I have ever accomplished anything in my life, my parents are the reason and my inspiration. I graduated with a major in sculpture from Fu-Hsin, an art and trades school in Taipei. In my young adulthood, I spent six years in Salamanca and Barcelona, Spain, and Paris, France, studying at different schools and art academies including Academia de Bellas Artes de San Luc, Académie de La Grande Chaumière, École des Beaux-Arts, and LISAA Paris Mode, Studio Berçot. I married and moved to Belize in 1999. Following a long break in raising my three children, I picked up my brushes for the 100 Portrait Studies project and completed it within six months. Since then, I have been sketching, painting, and sculpting. I exhibit my work, teach, and frequently travel to places to paint.

Nothing comes easy. Such a lifelong pursuit of excellence produces not only joy and excitement but frustration as well, as I realise how even my best achievements fall far short of what I aspire to. Yet this pursuit of the unattainable gives my life a zest and a direction, a constant stimulus for new accomplishments. My frustration is the prelude to a triumph, an ecstasy, a fulfillment.

There are many things that I don’t know, but I know that when we open our senses, we process our surroundings, and thus our experiences are transformed into something extraordinary. It is physical, it is mental and perhaps it is the pursuit of happiness.

The journey of art continues to be what fulfills my life.


Born in 1969, Taiwan